Happy New Year!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Before I gush let me vent...
  • I am SO over the squirrels in my ceiling. Whatever the hell they are doing it is hard work cause they never stop. I feel like I should be paying them.
  • I am already kinda sick of American Idol...geesh!
  • Can winter or whatever this is just go away.
  • I am so terrified of getting the flu again. After being off work 1 full week, I'm afraid of what germs may still linger there.
  • I am starting to despise unfinished projects...
  • There just aren't enough hours in a day (in which to craft)

I'm just sayin........

Ok now, here are some funny, happy and (sometimes lame) things I have had on my mind lately.

  • I love that I can plug my ipod into my car stereo now...cool.- Thanks E!
  • My friend B and are are planning to take a hip hop dance class this weekend- I LOVE TO DANCE!....GO do it ! http://www.dance101.org/
  • I love my new Chuck Taylor's
  • I love podcasts
  • Michael Jackson's Thriller is 25? That just can't be..am I that old?
  • I'm so hooked on 80's music these days....I'm lovin me some Steve Perry and Jermaine Jackson...oooh and Billy Ocean! - LOL
  • I watch way too much youtube with my family
  • I would like to make and wear an apron all day long- like part of an outfit (Thanks to Jennifer from Craft Sanity http://www.craftsanity.com/)
  • Finally, I got MADE...and I am now a member of the Atlanta Craft Mafia! so freakin cool....

Anywho, business is going pretty good. It's pretty consistent. I have been blessed and highly favored. These days my customers are mostly friends and co-workers. Etsy sales have been slow but I havent posted a bunch of newness. I have been trying to harness the spirit of a new innovative product. I haven't found it yet but Ive been toiling away on some cotton stuff for spring wear. I got a new
Get Your Crochet On book and got some cool ideas from there. I have been really dying to get my hands on some patterns from Jenny Hart over at Sublime Stitching. However, I can't bring myself to start a new hobby. Plus since I draw I kinda want to do my own embroidery patterns....that would be cool.

At the end of my week long bout with the flu I ran to HobLob to find something for Taylor to do. I was totally not trying to be bothered with yarn so you know I was sick.... But since she was out of school on Monday I needed a plan to keep her from whining about being bored....SO I got a soap kit..... She had a blast and I did too. I helped her melt the soap and pour it into molds. She added color and scent and was so proud of her creations.... I think if she maintains interest in it I will give her a department in my etsy shop....She seems pretty excited so we shall see...

Well back to the CRAFT MAFIA. You have got to visit the site at http://www.atlcraftmafia.com/ I am too excited to have been accepted. Modeled after the successful Austin Craft Mafia the Atlanta version has been re org'd and is back in full effect. The mission is this... "The Atlanta Craft Mafia seeks to provide support and resources for other members of the Atlanta crafting community through public events, networking opportunities and collaborative marketing". I love the idea of being connected with like minded crafty people serious about the handmade way of life. The women involved are incredible artisians doing some amazing work. Please visit the site mentioned above and support the cause! hummm maybe I am more of a craft nerd than a gansta.... either way I love it so much and I look forward to being a part of the familia!

Ok well it's late....I am still working on doing better in my blogging. I have a tendency to stay away from the PC too much these days, by the time I get home from work I'm so sick of the computer I can't bear the idea of being on it another second of my day. Even my dear ibook has been neglected and I love that thing......

If you do actually read my blog ever please feel free to email me or comment. I would love to feel like someone actually cares (at least until the paparazzi starts to stalk me)

Nothing but XOXO to you!

1 comment:

Debra said...

I just found your blog I will be back to visit your blog is great and I love your shop.