Happy New Year!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Good News!

Today's beginning was a bit shaky but had started to look up. I did a little cleaning, a little working, and now a bit of cookin. Since my Blackberry acts as a device mostly for work I hardly look at it on the weekends but as I was waiting for the water for my pasta to come to a rolling boil I decided to take a look at it.

I've received glorious news!

Now the real work must begin. As if I am not consumed enough already... I am super excited!!!! Thats all for now, I've gotta go stir that pasta!


Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bag Lady

I've been very busy. After meeting my ATL Craft Mafia Familia last month I was super-charged to apply for I.C.E (Indie Craft Experience) SO I did and now I wait....... The Mafia was so nice and had a fit over my crocheted plastic bag bag. Not a totally new idea but I havent followed one pattern yet and feel pretty good about being able to be original. I've also taken to crocheting cut up sheets and bed linens. I'm almost on a first name basis with the folks at the Goodwill near my job. I have also discovered some cool ways to use all kinds of recycled stuff in my work..... I wanted to do a quick post just so you could see what Im up to. Im way to busy to correct grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence structure so forgive me. Here are some photos of my new work, hopefully comming soon to etsy. I present to you Plastique Fabrique my new line of pures and bags made from cast away stuff! They are one of a kind and made from original patterns.